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Lacto fermentation

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Questions & Answers


What is lacto fermentation?

Lacto fermentation is based on lactic acid bacteria. It is therefore also called lactic acid fermentation. You stimulate the naturally present lactic acid bacteria to grow, and you eliminate the bad bacteria by adding salt.

What is lacto fermentation?

Lacto fermentation is based on lactic acid bacteria. It is therefore also called lactic acid fermentation. You stimulate the naturally present lactic acid bacteria to grow, and you eliminate the bad bacteria by adding salt

Where can I find lactic acid bacteria?

LAB, short or lactic acid bacteria, are everywhere; in the air, in nature, and actually everywhere around us. You don't have to find them, they will find you!

How much salt should I add for lacto fermentation?

Salt percentages vary per recipe, but the minimum is 1.5% of the total weight of all ingredients.

Are lactic acid bacteria also found on vegetables treated with pesticides?

You will also find some lactic acid bacteria on sprayed vegetables, as they are also found in the air, or in the crate where the vegetables are stored in, etc. But obviously there are  significantly less lactic acid bacteria on vegetables that have been treated with pesticides. Do you use sprayed vegetables for fermentation? Then it is better use a starter with lactic acid bacteria.

What is a starter?

A starter can have all kinds of forms and contains a large amount of healthy micro-organisms, in this case lactic acid bacteria, to kick start your ferment. A tablespoon of brine from your own fermented sauerkraut or pickles, a scoop of yogurt, or store bought starter powder. 

Can boiled vegetables be used for lacto fermentation?

Yes you can if you add a starter, because cooking will remove all micro-organisms on your vegetables.

Are lactic acid bacteria vegan?

Lactic acid bacteria do not come from milk or any other animal origin. They do occur in animal milk. Just like that acetic acid bacteria are everywhere, and also in vinegar. If you eat vegan, you can ferment with lactic acid bacteria. 

Why do I never succeed in making a ginger bug

There are two most common reasons: 1. The temperature is too low; find a warmer place in your house for your gingerbug. 2. the ginger bug is not getting enough oxygen; make sure to open your ginger bug at least twice a day to oxygenate and then shake vigorously for at least 1 minute. Within a few days you will see your gingerbug is  becoming more and more active.  


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